Monday, February 28, 2005

ಕಾಲೆಜು ಗಲಾಟೆ - part 2

As mentioned in my previous post, this post is ಕಾಲೆಜು ಗಲಾಟೆ (College galata for those who can't read kannada) - part 2 : World Sorority Day. What needs to be noted is that the anonymous reply sent by Ishwar & Co in the previous post, was not sent by Ishwar at all. The "& Co" was a hint to help people identify the actual senders of the mail, which, comfortably did not happen.
Same case in this mail.
So here goes: World Sorority Day. (I wanted to post this on the 21st of this month. Somehow slipped my mind). I have made a few small changes to protect privacy and embarassment ;-)
Sub:Is there a Turing Machine for Sisters' love?
From: sender''s
To: Group distribution list
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:35:21 +0530

Twenty-two years ago I made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when I shall redeem my pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially.

At the stroke of midnight hour, when the whole of Sai Gardens sleeps, I will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, then an age ends, and when the soul of a genius, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment I take the pledge to the still larger cause of
Genius and intelligence bring responsibility. This is my blessing, and this is my curse That responsibility rests upon me, to uplift the downtrodden masses of IIIT-B to atleast one-tenth my level. Fear not dear ones, you are in MY safe hands.

The achievement I celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await me. Am I brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future? The most IMPORTANT day in the calender of IIIT-B has come at last, and I am the most IMPORTANT person.

After this arduous struggle, I have everything that anyone can ever need - genius, incredible smartness, unbounded handsomeness, irresistible physique, omni(im) potent capabilities. Well, almost. My heart grieves, my dear friends, for alas, though I have been bestowed with everything, I have been deprived of the treasure, of a loving SISTER. Well, that was till I joined

But now, no longer am I deprived, for now destiny has it that I be surrounded by 27 loving sisters. Thank You God for making me feel so impotent.
A thousand carats of diamond, all the books from the lost library of Alexandria, Aishwarya Rai - these sound trivial in the wake of my new-found treasures - my dear sisters, the apples of my eye, the CPU of my comp, the petrol of edwin's bike, the pongal of my kadamba. Gifts shall only bring me transient pleasure... True, Eternal bliss shall come from the loving words of "ANNA" coming so melodiously from my gudiyas' lips.

SAARI UMAR HAME SANG REHNA HAI! (sob sob sob............)

If you find one pitiful soul weeping at the Sai Gardens fountain, flooding it, it can be nobody else, but the poor me! If anything can lighten my burdened heart, it needs one thing- just one thing. The eyes of my mind can picture all my 27 sisters surrounding me and wishing me "happy birthday ANNA". It is then, that i would attain MOKSHA.
And a little request. Henceforth, let Feb 21st be observed as the "WORLD SORORITY DAY" in honour of the most lovable brother on earth, which happens to be ME!!

HAPPY BIRTHD(sob, sob.........)
HA(sob, sob.) To (sob, sob..)
sender's name
(God's gift to Sorority, Defenitely)

1 comment:

Smart-Alecky said...

Pertol in edwin's bike, pongal of kadamba, CPU ???
Literal meaning or suggestive??
What about the "call it a day"-series. I guess Janki still might be having the mails or else Ishwar bhala kare.